ISO 37001:2016
Anti-Corruption Management System


What is ISO 37001?

ISO 37001 for Anti-Corruption Management Systems is a specially developed management system standard for anti-corruption.

Scope of application

This standard concerns the following phenomena related to the activities of the organization:
  • bribes in public, private and non-profit segments;
  • bribes extorted by organizations;
  • bribes extorted by employees of the organization acting on behalf of the organization or in its favor;
  • bribes extorted by business partners of the organization acting on behalf of the organization or in its favor;

The standard is applicable to the activities of various companies and organizations:

  • Large organizations
  • Small and medium-sized businesses
  • Public organizations and private sector organizations
  • Non-profit organizations

Requirements of the standard:

  • development of anti-corruption policy,
  • appointment of persons (a) to monitor compliance with anti-corruption measures, staff training,
  • assessment of corruption risks,
  • financial and commercial control,
  • reporting, etc.

The standard benefits the organization by providing:

  • Minimum requirements and supporting guidance for implementation or comparative analysis of anti-bribery management;
  • Assurance to management, investors, employees, customers and other stakeholders involved in the organization to take reasonable measures to prevent bribery;
  • Evidence in case of investigation that the organization has taken reasonable measures to prevent bribery.

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Anti-bribery management system

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